Check with your credit card company to see what kind of travel insurance you have as a card benefit. Some cards provide very limited coverage, they may or may not cover any pre-existing conditions, and they may have an age limit. For peace of mind when traveling, be sure you’re well protected!
If you aren't sure how your cardholder benefits compare to our offerings, feel free to reach out to our support team! An agent licensed in your state of residence would be happy to assist you in comparing the two policies and make sure you understand what gaps are present in the cardholder benefit travel insurance. Here at Goose, we want to make sure you have covered your tail feathers!
If you would like a licensed agent to assist you with understanding what coverage you have, please have the benefit information from the cardholder agreement on hand to share with us when you call. Or simply email a copy of the benefits to us and we will review and reply with our recommendations.
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